We appreciate your desire to make a donation to support our efforts. We have a variety of ways you can donate today.
We appreciate your one-time or recurring donation with your debit/credit card or e-check. You will be redirected to a secure website to make the donation.
By giving to LifeBridge’s General Fund you give us the opportunity to use those funds for our day-to-day operations, buying food to give to those in need as well as use those funds for our current needs.
Staff Support The full-time staff at LifeBridge raises their support. This will keep the expenses down and all other funds can be used to help people right now. The only staff that raises their support is John & Lindy Obrecht.
If you would like to donate to the General Fund or the Staff Support, you can do so by clicking the Donate Now button or mailing a check.
Make checks to “LifeBridge” and write “Obrecht Support” or “General Fund” on the memo line. Checks can be mailed to:
LifeBridge, P.O. Box 312, Bailey, CO. 80421